Great Lake Swimmers - Your rocky spine

Great Lake Swimmers - Your Rocky Spine

I was lost in the lakes and the shapes that your body makes
That your body makes, that your body makes...

The mountains said I could find you here
They whispered the snow and the leaves in my ear
I traced my finger along your trails
Your body was the map, I was lost in it

Floating over your rocky spine
The glaciers made you, and now you’re mine
Floating over your rocky spine
The glaciers made you, and now you’re mine

I was moving across your frozen veneer
The sky was dark but you were clear
Could you feel my footsteps
And would you shatter, would you shatter, would you

And with your soft fingers between my claws
Like purity against resolve
I could tell, then and there, that we were formed from the clay
And came from the rocks for the earth to display

They told me to be careful up there
Where the wind blows a venomous rage
through your hair
They told me to be careful up there
Where the wind rages through your hair
Perdut pels llacs i formes que fa el teu cos
que fa el teu cos, que fa el teu cos...

Em van dir les muntanyes que et trobaria aquí
em van xiuxiuejar la neu i les fulles a l'orella
vaig passar el dit pels teus corriols
el teu cos era el mapa, i jo hi estava perdut

Flotant per sobre la teva espinada rocallosa
Els glaciars et van fer, i ara ets meva
Flotant per sobre la teva espinada rocallosa
Els glaciars et van fer i ara ets meva

Travessava la teva crosta gebrada
El cel era fosc, però tu eres clara
Si sentissis les meves petjades
t'esmicolaries? t'esmicolaries? eh?

 I amb els teus dits suaus entre les meves grapes
Com la puresa contra la resolució
Et diria, allí i llavors, que d'argila ens van formar,
i de les roques vam venir per a la terra conformar

Em van dir d'anar en compte allà dalt
On el vent bufa una ràbia verinosa
per entre els teus cabells
Em van dir d'anar al tanto allà dalt
On el vent s'enrabia per entre els teus cabells